Southeast Asia
Climate Action Hub
Founded by Earth Venture Foundation with the support from the Embassy of Ireland in Vietnam and Friends of Ireland, Southeast Asia Climate Action Hub (SEACA Hub) is a not-for-profit platform fostering learning about the ecological emergency, driving actions, and empowering entrepreneurial innovations for sustainable growth.
Cultivate your understanding
The impact of the climate crisis is already visible. The 20 warmest years on record all occurred in the past 22 years. If every nation was meeting the Paris Climate Change Agreement commitments, the Earth would still be heading for a 3+ degree rise, and unfortunately we are collectively far behind in meeting these commitments.
What does the above information mean? What is climate change? How does it impact the economy? Does it have anything to do with your life? Let's develop your understanding of climate change by exploring our digital knowledge sharing platform.
Empower your climate action
Governments and philanthropy do have roles to play in the fight against Earth’s climate disasters, but they alone can’t solve these problems. Everyone has a role in solving climate challenges. A new vision for the global economy and for the structure of our society will emerge from our collective actions.
SEACA Hub develops an extensive network and provides an information hub to help you navigate and select the right partners who can empower your climate actions.