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Founded by Earth Venture Foundation with the support from the Embassy of Ireland in Vietnam and Friends of Ireland, Southeast Asia Climate Action Hub (SEACA Hub) is a not-for-profit platform fostering learning about the ecological emergency, driving actions, and empowering entrepreneurial innovations for sustainable growth. 

Southeast Asia Climate Action Hub

Climate Change Education

Spread across archipelagos, river basins and forests, Southeast Asian countries are home to some of the world’s most spectacular natural and cultural diversity. At the same time, the region is considered one of the most vulnerable regions to climate change. With much of the population and infrastructure located in coastal and river delta areas, hundreds of millions of people are at great risk from the impacts of climate change, facing rising sea levels, heat waves, and increasingly intense and unpredictable weather events.


Believing in the crucial role of education to promote climate action, SEACA Hub is set up out of a desire to help people develop a better understanding of the climate crisis, empowering them with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed to act as agents of change.

Entrepreneurship for Climate Change

Southeast Asia has played an increasingly important role in the global political economy over the last thirty years. The combined GDPs of the ASEAN trading group makes it the fifth largest economy in the world, accounting for 3.4% of the world’s GDP and one-fifth of global foreign direct investment inflows. However, the growth has come at a significant environmental cost. There is growing recognition of the need to decouple economic development from emissions growth in pursuit of the 1.5°C goal. 


Believing in the power of entrepreneurship, SEACA Hub exists to harness the existing passions and entrepreneurial mindset of Southeast Asian entrepreneurs, energizing the next generation of ecopreneurs to drive bold innovations solving big climate challenges. 

Remote Learning
Collective Learning

SEACA Hub creates a digital knowledge sharing platform where everyone has a chance to contribute their knowledge and reflection to enrich our collective pool of climate understanding.  

Asian manager and his team planning a strategy

In this climate battle, everyone has a role to play. Therefore, we design our platform in a way to nudge everyone towards taking proactive actions, no matter big or small. 

Colleagues Working Together
Community and Collaboration

SEACA Hub makes efforts to bring multiple stakeholders to our platform, develops a community of climate change believers and facilitates connections among them. “Alone we go fast, together we go far”.

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